AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


Register items for config-disabled content

WaitingIdly opened this issue · 0 comments


Describe the feature
Currently, when disabling aspects of AE2 in the config, such as channels, the relevant items are simply not registered. Instead of not registering items from disabled features, register them, but remove their default recipe(s) and hide them from JEI.

Reasons why it should be considered
This behavior is frequently not be desirable, as it causes custom recipes related to those items to break.
This predominantly causes issues for players of "expert" packs where the developer has designed around channels, but the player wants them disabled. The main issue it results in is bugs in crafting recipes while playing.
This prevents "expert" pack players from easily taking advantage of Trousers' increased performance for channelless systems.

Additional Context
An example of preparing to load a world generated before channels were disabled.