ExtraCPUs Crafting Storage Multiblock Not Recognised
WaitingIdly opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
This is a known issue from the developers of ExtraCPUs, and cannot be fixed from their end. This is a bug with default AE2.
ExtraCPUs is a mod that adds 256k, 1024k, 4096k, and 16384k Crafting Storages.
When building a Crafting Storage Multiblock, if you only use the ExtraCPU Crafting Storages, the multiblock visually forms, but does not register as a valid Crafting Storage. In order to fix this, you must include one or more AE2 Crafting Storages.
doesnt work: 1 extraCPU
works: 1 extraCPU + 1 ae2 crafting storage (1k, 4k, 16k, 64k)
To Reproduce
- Download additional required mods (ExtraCells2, ExtraCPUs)
- Create a basic ME system
- Place down a Crafting Storage from ExtraCPUs, visually forming the multiblock
- Create a pattern and request it
- See that the ME system does not recognize the existing multiblock
- Place down a single 1k from AE2 adjacent to the ExtraCPU block, and now it identifies correctly
- Request a recipe larger than 1k and see that the additional crafting storage works
Expected behavior
It should be recognized as a valid multiblock, as its crafting storage is >0.
Additional context
Report of this issue for ExtraCPUs: rlnt/minecraft-extracpus#4
Example of this issue existing in practice: Divine-Journey-2/Divine-Journey-2#9
Confirmed in both singleplayer and multiplayer, requires ExtraCPUs, and ExtraCells2.
- Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
- AE2 Version: 45d
- Forge Version:
- ExtraCells2: 2.6.5 (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/extracells2/files/2855967)
- ExtraCPUs: v1.1.0 (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/extracpus/files/3061905)
resolved in PrototypeTrousers@aa6bad7