Unstackable items (eg. water buckets) behave badly
holdenli opened this issue · 3 comments
When crafting with items like water buckets or mekanism energy tablets, the craft fails to find recipes for them. Additionally, these items sometimes disappear from the network but reappear after I relog. This happens even when I put the items in an chest accessed by a external bus.
- Modpack: Engimatica 2 Expert v1.83
- Minecraft Version: 1.12
- AE2 Version: appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7.omni-fixes-v47h.jar
- Forge Version:
Could you backup and see if it still happens with v49e ? Someone else complained about his system just blanking out of items after some time on v47 and im not sure why.
If still happens in v49 you could try sending me your world to test ?
Tried v49e and I can't replicate the items disappearing anymore (only tried for a few minutes). However, the recipes do get stuck (tries to craft ~80 water buckets, succeeds but crafting monitor says its still waiting on ~40 of them). Or don't work at all (can't ask to craft a single energy cell). FYI, regular ae2 works fine here.
My world is too big to upload.
Note: I also saw this on Multiblock Madness v1.2.3 which includes trousers ae2 v43h by default.
make sure the crafted buckets enter the ME network through an interface, ortherwise they wont count for crafting purposes.
the issue with mekanism maybe NBT related, so do not use substitutions when making the pattern, and try to use the actual item from mekanism, not the one placed when clicking the '+' sign in the JEI