AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


autoselect the amount of items to craft in GuiCraftAmount

k3nw4y opened this issue · 1 comments


Describe the feature

In the crafting amount window the default amount should be selected by default

Reasons why it should be considered

When we select an item to craft from ME terminal, the default cursor is after the 1 which we have to clear before typing the new amount, so if we need 32 of an item we have to clear it first and then type the amount, but in latest versions of AE the amount value is selected by default, so we can just type in the amount without clearing it, its a small Qol feature lets you type the amount without having to hit backspace everytime when you need something more than 10

Additional Context

Can be achieved by adding this.amountToCraft.setSelectionPos(0); in
Link to the PR for same in 1.7.10 fork for GTNH GTNewHorizons#103


should be a thing in 0.52.4