Aerobatic Elytra - Jetpack

Aerobatic Elytra - Jetpack


Because scaffolding is too boring

Aerobatic Elytra

Minecraft: 1.16 - 1.19 Mod Loader: Forge GitHub Join the Discord

📖 About

Adds a Jetpack and Hover modes, as well as Dashes to Aerobatic Elytra.

This is basically a separate mod where I add all the cheaty OP features that don't fit as a part of Aerobatic Elytra. All the features can be disabled individually, or nerfed.

Main Features

  • Jetpack mode (infinite jump/fall cancel)
  • Hover mode (creative flight, or better if you set it up to be faster)
  • Jetpack dashes (if you want to feel like Goku (also pretty handy to move fast in hover mode when building))
  • Fall damage calculated from fall speed (while in Jetpack mode)


This mod doesn't have a wiki yet, but Aerobatic Elytra's wiki may be of help.

If you're having any trouble, or maybe just want to say hello, feel free to drop by our Discord Server.

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