The Aether

The Aether


Feature Request: Request updates to 1.20.2 and Fabric versions

SadEPa0628 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


What Feature Types Apply to This Request?


Other Type

No response

Is This an Enhancement to a Preexisting Feature?

  • I confirm this request is an enhancement to a feature already in The Aether.
    (Uh, idk does that count)

What Is Your Feature Request?

I expect this mod to be updated for versions of 1.20.2 and Fabric.

Why Should It Be in the Mod?

I'm using 1.20.2 Fabric and I want to be able to use this mod.

And if you can't, don't be like the Ultimate Car writer [_____], he has a bad attitude.
The content is translated by Chinese machine. Please understand if there is any mistake.

Does This Feature Improve Compatibility With Another Mod?

Fabric API All versions

Please Read and Confirm the Following

  • I have confirmed this feature is either in the original Aether mod, or improves parity between The Aether and Minecraft or other mods.
  • I have confirmed this suggestion is unique and has not been suggested already.

We already have plans for Fabric and future versions.


Okay, thank you.