The Aether

The Aether


Feature Request: Config to disable custom Hammer of Kingbdogz cooldown bar

sm644me opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What Feature Types Apply to This Request?

Config, Item

Other Type

No response

Is This an Enhancement to a Preexisting Feature?

  • I confirm this request is an enhancement to a feature already in The Aether.

What Is Your Feature Request?

The Aether adds a custom cooldown bar for the Hammer of Kingbdogz. I would like to request a client config option to hide this bar from view (not to disable the cooldown, that already exists in server config).

Why Should It Be in the Mod?

This bar can feel out of place in modpacks that add many items with cooldowns, especially since Minecraft has added a cooldown overlay to items such as Ender Pearls. A client config option to disable this bar would be a nice option to have for consistency with modern Minecraft and its mods.

Does This Feature Improve Compatibility With Another Mod?

No response

Please Read and Confirm the Following

  • I have confirmed this feature is either in the original Aether mod, or improves parity between The Aether and Minecraft or other mods.
  • I have confirmed this suggestion is unique and has not been suggested already.

Yes please, the cooldown overlay is so annoying and tbh very out of place