The Aether

The Aether


Bug: Sheepuff (potential Sun Spirit fight / Sheepuff Interaction) Crash

Datgek opened this issue ยท 8 comments


What Feature Types Apply to This Bug?


Other Type

No response

What Type of Bug Is This?


Forge Version


The Aether Version


Is This Bug a Conflict With Another Mod?

No response

Client Log

Crash Report (if applicable)

Steps to Reproduce

(Info gathered second hand from a player on a private server, who was present in the Aether dimension at time of crash.)

Random chance. (I'm unsure if there's any real connection, I simply don't know how to read logs well enough.)

Crash happened during the Sun Spirit Boss fight, boss arena was exposed to the outside environment, crash happened after "He (Sun Spirit) had alot of fireballs spawned and I think he charged at me".

What You Expect To Happen

No crash.

What Actually Happened

Crash via server tick timeout, automatic force close after 1 tick took 600 seconds.

Additional Details

As of writing this report it hasn't been recreated (by my understanding the arena's coordinates weren't written down/weren't saved in time via modded map), The Aether mod is being used as a part of a custom modpack, Optifine is not present in this pack. Server is running off of a Ubuntu/CasaOS PC, using crafty controller.

Please Read and Confirm The Following

  • I have confirmed this bug can be replicated without the use of Optifine.
  • I have confirmed this bug is on the most recently supported version of Minecraft.
  • I have confirmed the details provided in this report are concise as possible and does not contain vague information (ie. Versions are properly recorded, answers to questions are clear).
  • I have confirmed this bug is unique and has not been reported already.
  • If playing on a modpack, I have reported this bug to their issue tracker already.
  • I have confirmed that I'm reporting a bug in The Aether I, not The Aether II.

How did the boss arena get exposed to the outside environment? This is meant to be impossible to avoid issues.


Had to wait on the info to be passed to me, the arena didn't generate exposed, it generated "mostly buried but broke through a mountain", it seemed to be an interaction with another mod, from what the player could tell a "water spell" (aoe, either places water at targeted point or extinguishes an entity) from the Ars nouveau mod mixed with the fireballs and somehow broke the walls of the arena. My only guess is that it replaced the arena walls with water blocks. This was supposedly near/when the server froze. (Sorry for the semi-vague info, I've nothing first hand to go off of here.)


Hmm, could the player try to reproduce this with bedrock blocks? I'd like to see if there's maybe more protections I could apply to the dungeon blocks.

What I can say about the provided log itself is it doesn't seem as though its the Sheepuff code's fault even though the Sheepuff was the entity that had the issue happen to it; it looks like movement of the entity or collision checks during its movement took too long to process for some reason. It could maybe happen while something else is causing server lag? Maybe the fireballs caused lag somehow but I'm not sure how they would here.


Tried replicating it myself in a singleplayer world, couldn't get anything to break, tried both bedrock and inside the arena, but I did notice that during and after the boss fight there were semi frequent FPS spikes whenever the arena area itself was being rendered on screen. I'll see if I can't monitor the server's tps next time someone fights the boss again.
2024-11-04_19 39 36
2024-11-04_19 44 02


Weird, I'll have to dig into what could be causing this.


Well, another crash, exactly the same as the first, happened during the sun spirit fight, only the 1 player fighting it was online, after the server auto recovered the player logged in mid-boss fight, on their end they had apparently killed the boss and gotten out of the arena before their client realized the server was down.


Can you provide the new log this time? Was this fight in an enclosed dungeon?