The Aether

The Aether


Feature: Multiplayer compatibility additions for dungeons.

bconlon1 opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  • Allow all people in a boss fight to get the achievement for a boss getting beaten if they're within the boss room, might require a custom advancement trigger.
  • Better boss targeting for multiple players.
  • Bosses shouldn't deactivate and reset their health if the player who initiated the fight dies but there are still other players in the room. Boss fight should probably still be reset if the player leaves though but I'm not sure. Maybe it should only deactivate and reset the room and boss health if they're detected as having left the dungeon somehow (i.e. death, teleportation, etc).
  • Talk with AetherMP for ideas.

  • Slider
  • Valkyrie Queen
  • Sun Spirit