The Aether

The Aether


Bug: A few bugs with the Slider Boss Fight

Zepalesque opened this issue ยท 0 comments


What Feature Types Apply to This Bug?


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What Type of Bug Is This?

Unexpected Behavior

Forge Version


The Aether 1 Version


Is This Bug a Conflict With Another Mod?

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Crash Report (if applicable)

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Steps to Reproduce

ISSUE 1 - The Slider will sometimes not move, but still play the sliding sound:
I'm not exactly sure how this happens, but I have noticed it happening the most when the slider is on the opposite side of the room from the player and is less than 1 block above the ground. Jumping near the Slider (next issue) can be used to sometimes get it under 1 block above the ground.

ISSUE 2 - Jumping near the slider causes it to think the player is above it (which they technically are, but only the position) and to move upwards (can cause issue 5, and possibly issue 1 as well):

  1. Spawn and begin fighting the Slider
  2. Jump nearby it while avoiding its attacks

I have an idea for how to fix this. It is by making the slider move upwards if the bottom of the player's hitbox is above the top of the slider's hitbox, instead of based on the position. To (hopefully) also fix issue 5, this could be only done to the upward movement, and not the others (or at least not to the downward movement)

ISSUE 3 - Running and Jumping around the slider confuses it and makes it not move much, which makes the fight way easier (related to issue 2):

  1. Spawn the slider and begin the boss fight
  2. Jump around the slider in circles, while staying somewhat close to the slider

ISSUE 4 - Slider resets when the player touches the edge of the room:

  1. Spawn the Slider
  2. Hit it with a pickaxe
  3. Run to and touch the wall of the room (it doesn't do it with every wall)

ISSUE 5 - Slider doesn't move back to the floor if it is slightly above the ground (this one isn't as much of an Unexpected Behavior, but more of an Annoyance that has annoyed me for a long time, in several different versions of the Aether and Aether II):

  1. Jump around an awakened Slider (in suvival mode)
  2. It will eventually move upwards, and stay floating

What You Expect To Happen

Issue 1: I expected for the Slider to move without getting stuck in the air

Issue 2: I expected for the Slider to stay on the ground since I wasn't high enough for it to not be able to hit me

Issue 3: I expected for the Slider to not just stay mostly still, and (an idea for a fix I had) for it to move farther, which could either hit me, or break out of the spot it was cornered at

Issue 4: I expected for the Slider to not reset the bossfight

Issue 5: I expected for the Slider to move back to the ground when hovering only slightly above the ground

What Actually Happened

Issue 1: The slider got stuck in mid air, and played the slide sound without moving

Issue 2: The slider moved upwards when I jumped near it

Issue 3: The slider couldn't move much

Issue 4: The boss fight reset when I touched the wall

Issue 5: The slider hovered above the ground, and didn't move back down

Additional Details

ISSUES 1 & 5:








Please Read and Confirm The Following

  • I have confirmed this bug can be replicated without the use of Optifine.
  • I have confirmed this bug is on the most recently supported version of Minecraft.
  • I have confirmed the details provided in this report are concise as possible and does not contained vague information (ie. Versions are properly recorded, answers to questions are clear).
  • I have confirmed this issue is unique and has not been reported already.