- 5
Wooden Irrigation Channels not breaking
#753 opened by FluffyAndFluffier - 5
JSON Plants Missing Seed Drop Option
#754 opened by RlonRyan - 15
[1.10.2] Pam's HC Seed Mutations
#755 opened by addrever - 3
Agricraft Nuggets are not OreDict to be used by other Mods (agricraft-2.0.0-i0.3.0-a3)
#737 opened by Boomflex - 4
Crash Upon Trying to Break Channel Blocks on Server
#738 opened by Rebelyrocks - 2
Add JSON Debugging GUI
#740 opened by RlonRyan - 0
Update & Improve JEI Integration
#741 opened by RlonRyan - 4
Allow Custom Textures
#743 opened by RlonRyan - 2
Rework & Unify GUI System
#742 opened by RlonRyan - 4
Use Differential Syncing For Custom Files
#744 opened by RlonRyan - 2
New block request: composting bin
#747 opened by heatherhaks - 3
Render type "cross" does not function properly
#745 opened by heatherhaks - 1
Seed items need additional info in the json files
#746 opened by heatherhaks - 2
crash while loading a world
#748 opened by 0Navis0 - 3
Crash while exploring
#749 opened by SombrioFe - 2
JSON Fertilizer Descriptions
#750 opened by RlonRyan - 2
JSON Crop Actions
#751 opened by RlonRyan - 6
JSON Greenhouse Structures
#752 opened by RlonRyan - 1
Server crash
#758 opened by knoxhack - 3
MineTweaker Integration Error
#759 opened by WitherBlaster - 2
Breaking the seed analiser crashes
#760 opened by MichaelHillcox - 4
[Question]Turn off Weed
#761 opened by Venom1987 - 2
Game crashed when I tried to use cropsticks. Crash Report included
#762 opened by jamesfhj - 6
Crash rendering item in new build
#764 opened by Eufranio - 3
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive
#765 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
Double crop sticks (if you put a cropstick on an existing cropstick) not rendering
#766 opened by heatherhaks - 2
Seed Analyzer
#767 opened by jamesfhj - 3
JSON defaults
#768 opened by heatherhaks - 4
Redstone toggle for irrigation canal thing.
#769 opened by jamesfhj - 23
Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException: Tesselating block model
#770 opened by FraukeS - 5
An interpreter is already registered for this item: com.infinityraider.agricraft.items.ItemAgriSeed
#771 opened by Eufranio - 3
crash: Exception ticking world
#772 opened by smenes - 1
Seed Drop Integration
#756 opened by RlonRyan - 4
A few problems with (primarily) crop sticks
#757 opened by Tannex - 1
NullPointerException when harvesting wheat, but only sometimes...
#780 opened by zackeezy - 1
Rendering issue
#781 opened by CamaroKing59 - 5
Melon Texture looks like Wheat
#782 opened by CamaroKing59 - 1
Questions on custom seeds and plants
#773 opened by xenoflot - 5
Exception in server tick loop
#774 opened by Snipe13051 - 5
Error breaking Wooden Irrigation Channel
#775 opened by Eufranio - 5
Error killing farmer villager
#776 opened by Eufranio - 8
Crash when rendering item in JEI/Creative
#777 opened by JunkiEDM - 1
java.lang.ClassCastException on placing sprinkler to irrigation block
#778 opened by Protheus - 2
[1.10.2] Stats switching place
#779 opened by sperly - 1
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: plant
#786 opened by Ryahn - 3
water tower height
#787 opened by Drake2312 - 1
[1.10.2] Tesselating block model (NPE)
#788 opened by SnowShock35 - 27
- 2
Feature Request: Native Mass Harvesting
#784 opened by Voxel-Friend - 1
Rendering Crash No Texture Pack
#785 opened by CamaroKing59