Akashic Tome of Tools Fabric

Akashic Tome of Tools Fabric


Book says "Bricked" When crafted

3th3 opened this issue · 2 comments


The askashic tome says "bricked" when crafted and when you switch to a book you can't switch back. I don't know if it saying bricked means anything but I know that it not switching back is not intended. The only thing I can think of that might mess it up is a mod called Better combat but I am unsure on the nature of what bricked means


Just realised I wasn't doing it right, sorry haha


Bricked when crafting is a limitation of vanilla minecraft I can't find a nice workaround to. It isn't an issue until the book is bricked in any other way than crafting.
Same for better combat: the user input system is very complex, so I just went for a solution that works. You can change the "look up" list in the settings or config file.
Have fun ^ω^!