Alchemical Skies

Alchemical Skies


Maybe you’ve wanted to play modded Skyblock, but you aren’t satisfied with any of the Skyblock mods out there. Alchemical Skies is a mod intended to give the user more options for resource production in Skyblock.

Alchemical Skies adds several new mechanics for making the majority of items renewable, as long as wood and a cobblestone generator of some form are available. It is suitable for the typical Skyblock map or a superflat playthrough. Alchemical Skies does NOT change world generation to a Skyblock style world, so as always, the type of world you play on is up to you.

Alchemical Skies consists of three major stages: Early Game, Ore Production, and Corruption. The early game enables you to mutate saplings into many other types of plants, as well as convert cobblestone to gravel and sand or bone blocks to dirt and clay. The second stage, Ore Production, enables you to create a multiblock that can turn stone into ores, as well as the ability to create lava renewably. The final stage allows you to corrupt certain resources into materials typically found in the Nether through a second multiblock structure, as well as create the End Portal in order to complete the main adventure.