- 0
Issue with rusty barrels
#11 opened by CapiSargrento - 0
Vesper will break out of ritual while being converted, turns into forsaken mid air
#5 opened by StrangerDanger5811 - 0
"Tried to attack an invalid entity" when attacking a Watcher while in it's perspective
#6 opened by NeuTraLZero - 1
Stone background in the advancements
#7 opened by Atmarsde - 5
Alex's Caves Incompatibilities So Far...
#8 opened by Ryu776 - 0
Physics Mod Pro and Rubidium Causing Crashes When Paired While Using Alex's Caves
#9 opened by peepeepoopoocaca - 1
Tried to run it with Better Minecraft 4, but it crashes.
#10 opened by ChefCD7 - 2
[1.20.1] Alex's Caves Crash
#12 opened by HaizUber - 0
add the ability to disable the destruction of blocks from a nuclear bomb
#13 opened by DonorKrovi - 1
/locate taking to long to register and respond
#15 opened by EditingAsap - 1
#14 opened by LuckyDog322 - 3
Some imagines in Cave Compendium placed in wrong place
#16 opened by WarmurCle - 0
Duplication glitch
#22 opened by isaacworty - 1
Huge memory leak
#23 opened by macuguita - 6
Severe performance issues despite optimization mods + beefy computer
#24 opened by Inonedn - 1
Incompatible with Rubidium Extra
#25 opened by Amronos - 2
Incompatibility with organics
#17 opened by Chiboce - 2
Game Crashes
#18 opened by Idislike - 0
You can hear sirens after they are broken.
#19 opened by DoktorCraft23 - 0
Missing words and picture for Underzealots
#20 opened by SireOfTheQuags - 2
error when starting a world
#38 opened by DyGoku - 1
my terralith is acting up don't if it is the AC or something else prbbly AC
#39 opened by Sapnai-says - 0
Subterranodons are automatically flying and staying on the ceiling.
#26 opened by RippAlex - 1
Incompatibility Issue with Twilight Forest (One Mob)
#27 opened by Crazy-Elipsis - 1
crashing with my modpack i posted the log bellow
#28 opened by Thunderrock424242 - 1
Similar to Nuke sound, no sounds play in abyssal chasm apart from ambience and music
#40 opened by ComeMyChild - 3
My game crashes when I go into the Toxic Caves when Rubidium is installed
#29 opened by RippAlex - 1
caves are too tiny or dont spawn
#30 opened by NozionX - 1
Nuke doesn't have sound, while Nucleeper does
#31 opened by ComeMyChild - 1
If a nuclear explosion destroys a siren, it will not stop sounding
#32 opened by IthanMendoza - 1
Fish model crash incompatibility with Fish of Thieves
#33 opened by melvinczyk - 2
When you activate the submarine's lights every block turns invisible
#34 opened by AlesTheGreat - 1
Primordial cave music bug
#36 opened by Ryuzey06 - 1
LightTex takes up almost all of the pie chart
#35 opened by Inonedn - 0
Transparent ancient leaves
#37 opened by JustAFrogh - 5
I cant found any caves with mod terrablender and biome's o plenty installed
#41 opened by Yao0oooo - 0
Alex's caves incompatibility with Radium
#42 opened by Scapulaunit12 - 2
[1.0.1] Uncrouching doesn't reset the camera height
#47 opened by TheBooz - 2
Eye height breaks
#44 opened by Inonedn - 1
Game crashes when starting a new world
#45 opened by rexplayone - 0
Watcher completely disables player controls while "watching" Player
#46 opened by Inonedn - 1
Game freezes when teleporting to Primordial Cave
#48 opened by dabomb6405 - 2
Possible incompatibility with Sound Physics Remastered
#50 opened by SireOfTheQuags - 6
Ray Gun Invisible Entities
#49 opened by LeftChaotix - 1
Mobs rendering invisible when shooting ray gun
#51 opened by ZzamZ - 1
slight incompatibility with Aquamarine
#52 opened by PatTheWizard - 2
RecipeEssentials crashing whenever i try to place a nuclear furnace
#53 opened by Hurricane-Lordus - 2
Camera translation bug
#54 opened by AstemirDev - 2
Server crash with 1.0.1
#55 opened by PlatypusOfHats - 0
Gauntlet Duplication Glitch
#56 opened by NovaAevum