

Elves near forest

Elves near forest

Group of elves having a walk and talking to each other
Midgard Trade Portal

Midgard Trade Portal

Similar to elven portal, but for Alfheim, to exchange native resources (and plateaus in the background)
Elvorium Armor

Elvorium Armor

Elvorium Armor and Reality Sword
World Gen

World Gen

New worldgen type (since Beta-5)


Secret elven mana-infusion technology
Spawnpoint Castle

Spawnpoint Castle

Castle on the other side of Alfheim Portal (in Alfheim Dimension)
Lava Pit

Lava Pit

Just some random beautiful looking vertical lava pit in the cave floor
Thaumcraft Integration

Thaumcraft Integration

Natural Metals caps, new rods (one is mana->vis converter), and oregen support
Demigods Rook boss

Demigods Rook boss

WIP boss, for now can just be summoned with command
Some new baubles

Some new baubles

Rings, amulets, and they are not limited by this screen (find more in game)
Plains and Forest

Plains and Forest

Two of Alfheim subbiomes
Destroyed arena

Destroyed arena

Years ago it was used for public fights agains the Guardian of Gaia


Description of UI elements for MMO mode
Alfheim forest during night

Alfheim forest during night

Light of dreamwood leaves won't allow you to get lost in those forests
Flügel boss

Flügel boss

Looks like Gaia Guardian, but it's not...