- 2
Forge 1.14 (allomancy-3.0.0-beta3) - Opening Inventory Crashes Game
#35 opened by taigamerlin - 0
Rioting crashes servers
#36 opened by legobmw99 - 6
Creates confict with Journey Map
#38 opened by snostormjp - 0
Multiplayer saves appear not to work properly
#5 opened by legobmw99 - 1
Minecraft Server crashing during loading
#6 opened by CMCarlsen - 4
Server Crashes randomly during uptime.
#8 opened by EmiEprom - 0
GetEffectiveTool on lead returns "pick"
#9 opened by Raycoms - 0
Crash when using coin bag
#10 opened by jdickson8 - 1
Suggestion: Need more feedback on current metal.
#11 opened by MentalMouse - 11
Feature Request: Something else to do with lerasium (also stackability)
#12 opened by MentalMouse - 7
The End... of a Mistborn??
#13 opened by MentalMouse - 12
"Current metals" isn't saved with game.
#14 opened by MentalMouse - 1
Soothing: Skellies keep shooting, other mobs just wander
#15 opened by MentalMouse - 0
Client Side only dependency used server side
#17 opened by cjm721 - 0
[1.12] Entity pushing and pulling are broken
#20 opened by legobmw99 - 15
Client crash on modded server, Forge 1.11.2...2315
#18 opened by Iiridayn - 3
Mod not Loading (1.12)
#21 opened by TBDPrism - 1
Config option to disable lines that render whenever steel or iron is burning
#22 opened by lag42 - 0
Ore generation does not work
#2 opened by legobmw99 - 0
Iron and Steel do not work through blocks, but the lines show
#1 opened by legobmw99 - 3
Allomancy-whitelist.txt and metadata
#25 opened by NullMagic - 1
Version 2.8.2 Crash in Forge 2459
#26 opened by mcfilmmakers - 2
Console Text in 1.12.1
#27 opened by Alaberti - 1
Overlay position
#28 opened by Iznogoud76 - 10
elixirs don't appear on 1.12.2
#29 opened by lag42 - 2
Strange initial whitelist file with IC2
#30 opened by evhub - 4
Getting *lots* of "info" messages about your vials...
#31 opened by MentalMouse