- 0
Add some more survival advancements
#65 opened by legobmw99 - 0
Add aluminum armor
#66 opened by legobmw99 - 1
Role playing features
#64 opened by legobmw99 - 14
The Metal Selection Wheel no longer will open
#67 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 10
Cannot see allomantic lines at all on Windows?
#92 opened by ArcticAlmond - 1
Crash while playing on server
#93 opened by jamesipod - 0
Add gametests
#95 opened by legobmw99 - 2
States on Readme mod is ... updated for ... 1.18.1
#69 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 1
Curio Mistcloak?
#72 opened by SonnyLonglegs - 2
1.18.2 - Raw Ores and Ingots don't appear to be properly tagged for their materials
#73 opened by SonnyLonglegs - 1
Flashbang Effect?
#74 opened by DrakonLeruki - 1
Allomantic Lines Not Showing for Non-host LAN player
#75 opened by SpeedyZ500 - 8
Allomantic lines not rendering for Mac
#76 opened by SpeedyZ500 - 5
[Feature Request] Make Lerasium registered under the Metal type
#77 opened by GitCat3 - 0
Pulling/Pushing on objects behind you
#79 opened by SonnyLonglegs - 3
Consistency with source material
#80 opened by SpeedyZ500 - 1
Enhancement Suggestion: alt recipes through ore directory detection
#81 opened by SpeedyZ500 - 5
Enhancement suggestion: configurable whitelist/blacklist for active metal reg
#82 opened by SpeedyZ500 - 1
Add metals to vials not work on 1.16.5 server modded
#85 opened by brav0doce - 5
Bendalloy not affecting Furnaces
#87 opened by MrPogostyc - 2
1.19.2 Config for worldgen?
#86 opened by RurouniTim - 1
Add Keybinds for specific Metals as a mistborn
#88 opened by MrPogostyc - 2
(1.19.2) Duralumin crash
#89 opened by RurouniTim - 3
[1.20.1] crash on server
#90 opened by cylian914 - 1
The game will report an error when I click the Duralumin in the Roulette
#91 opened by toofarbut - 5
Metals seem to be swapped in 1.18.2-4.5.3
#102 opened by GitCat3 - 5
Registry Object not present: allomancy:sound_particle
#103 opened by aritzbnn - 0
Lerasium nugget alloys
#104 opened by legobmw99 - 3
No Blue Lines
#105 opened by DanielG75276 - 6
common_setup error
#39 opened by hutonahill - 0
Vials do not check if player's inventory is full
#40 opened by legobmw99 - 1
Possible issues returning from the end
#42 opened by legobmw99 - 0
LAN worlds have network issues
#44 opened by legobmw99 - 0
Support shaders
#45 opened by legobmw99 - 0
Config/Hotkey/whatever to disable the HUD
#46 opened by DaedalusGame - 7
Allomancy ore configuredfeatures are not registered
#48 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 2
Minecart crash
#49 opened by legobmw99 - 6
Allow metal whitelist to use tags
#50 opened by sciguyryan - 6
Adding Portable Storage for Flakes
#51 opened by rabbitscreams - 5
Astral Sorcery compatibility issue
#52 opened by RurouniTim - 3
Allomancy HUD breaks rendering of other mods rendering overlays in world
#53 opened by KirinDave - 0
Crash on newest : 4.3.0-pre version when loading in SMP
#54 opened by KirinDave - 9
Allomancy 4.3.0-pre3 Errors in Log
#55 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 1
Crashed Server While Steelpushing
#56 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 1
Server Crash - Capability not attached
#57 opened by Rutes - 1
4.3.0-pre3 Some iron made objects aren't considered metal
#58 opened by ResMaster - 2
Crash when Pushing on minecart in a server
#59 opened by remotedeck - 5
Staged Lerasium
#60 opened by Crazydude323 - 1
Macros for using allomancy as a mistborn
#62 opened by SphereXDark - 0
Allomantic press suggestion
#63 opened by Fictional-CJ