Alph@ Challenge

Alph@ Challenge



Welcome to the Alph@ Challenge!

The goal: Try to beat Minecraft!

The challenge: Several different challenges are going change your game in a way, that it gets really hard to beat it.

All changes are explained down below.

Will you be able to beat the game with all those challenges? Try it out...


Every block that is placed onto another block, will turn into the same block it has been placed on.

Will not apply to fire, obsidian, end portal frames.


Every sheep, cow, pig and chicken will be turned into zombies with full enchanted netherite, strength and a totem, if attacked.

If the block below you is either stone, netherrack or endstone, you will instantly die.

Getting out of the nether portal is possible.


If the player attacks an entity, the player will drop everything in their hands.

Doesn't apply to the ender dragon.

Snowballs still do damage to blazes.


If the player has two feathers in their hands, the player starts to fly.

Stops breaking blocks in your range.

Tip: Try gathering feathers through chests. (shipwreck)


A circle of particles will break almost every block in your range.

Does not apply to portals, obsidian, water, lava


Your armor will permanently change.

Adding other armor will not do anything.