



Minecraft's New Endgame, the Alpha

WARNING: This mod is currently in alpha development "pun not intended" and many of these features are still in conceptual stage. Please check the change log and which version you are downloading so you are up to date and have all the recently added features.  Thank you for playing and participating in the growth of this mod. 

The Alpha

 Alphacraft is a new dimension mod designed to add more game content and simple adventure and rpg experience to vanilla Minecraft.  The Alpha Dimension contains dangerous and beautiful new biomes, filled with new hostile creatures, giant procedurally generated dungeons, epic bosses, and many more!


1) New Dimension (the Alpha)

- New Building Blocks

- New Biomes

2) New Material Levels

- Enderite - Tools and Armor

3) New Ores and easy to use Three Input Smelter, for advanced item crafting.

Access the Alpha Dimension

In order to enter the Alpha Dimension, you must first find an Alpha Portal Castle, similarly to a Stronghold.  Each of these structures has one portal room, with 9 of the 12 portal blocks already containing Infected Ender Crystals.  Craft 3 more Infected Ender Crystals with an Ender Pearl and Enderite Dust, and place them on the Portal Blocks to open a portal to the Alpha


New Overworld Dungeon, contains Loot Rooms and a Portal Room for entering the Alpha

The Alpha itself is full of new Dark dimensions to explore, some with rare Bright variants!


Issue Tracker


GitHub Repository