Amethyst Armor and Tools

Amethyst Armor and Tools


Hi, I hope you're doing well. 
My friend and I decided to create a mod which is super hardcore to play. Since it is our very first mod we decided to make simple... no just kidding it is a very hard to get an amethyst ingot in this mod but it very op even more than netherite and even has magic in it. By the way if you want to try out this mod for yourself please credit us, we do not want donation or anything like that but just recognition adding that this mod was made just for friends. Thank you. Here are the crafting/smelting/blasting recipe:
- Smelt an amethyst shard to get an amethyst nugget (if you blast the shard, it will be 2 times quicker).
- In a 3x3 crafting grid place 9 amethyst nugget to get an amethyst fragment.
- In a 3x3 crafting grid place 9 amethyst fragment  to get an amethyst ingot.
- In a 3x3 crafting grid place 9 amethyst ingot to get an amethyst cube.

- In a 3x3 crafting grid place an apple surronded by amethyst  ingots to get an amethyst apple.
- In a 3x3 crafting grid place diamond block in all the angles and in the middle and in the rest of the squares put amethyst cubes to get an amethyst gem.
- To get the armor or the tools you just have to put the the tool or armor you want to have in diamond with an amethyst ingot in a smithing table.

Now let's talk about the custom tool in amethyst, there are only two but trust me they as overpowered as they are difficult to get:
- We made a mutitool made of amethyst of course and since the craft is shapeless just put two diamond blocks, an amethyst cube, an amethyst axe, an amethyst pickaxe, an amethyst shovel, an amethyst sword.
- Now we are touching the universe of Harry Potter with magic wands, though we only made one. The crafting recipe is an amethyst gem in the middle top, a diamond in the middle and a stick in the middle bottom. It's power are summoned by swinging or by right clicking. If you swing it will summon a fireball ( when you summon it you'll have to hit a second time so that it will launch itself ) and if you right click it will strike lightning to all entities in radius of 5 blocks. Both this abilities have a cooldown of a 100 tick or 5 seconds.

In the newer update (Release-1.3.0), there is a new structure, Amettreasure which is very rare and unlocatable in creative.There is an isane loot inside whiich is a little bit less than enough to have everything in the mod but sure is plenty. Of course the treasure is guarded by many mobs (skeleton, wither skeleton, zombies) and some of them have full diamond, netherite or a mix of both. The only way to find it is by pure luck, there is only 200 in 1,000,000 chunks. Unfortunately this structure has been deleted, because to op and has to much loot, since 2.0

NOW FOR THE BIG UPDATE we created infused netherite armour tools and of course super tools. Here are the crafts and the explanation of the items.
- To make an infused netherite ingot you need to put in each corner a bucket of lava then at the at the verticals put netherite ingots, then put magma on the sides to finally put in the center a nether star. 

- To make the infused armour you just need to put the amethyst armour in smithing table with an infused netherite ingot. The armour gives you permanent fire resistance as long as you wear them.
- To make the infused tool you just need to put the amethyst tool in smithing table with an infused netherite ingot. There are two tools that have abilities ; the shovel and the pickaxe. Their abilities are basically the same : the infused pickaxe can mine a 3 by 3 area as long as the block is type of rock ; the infused shovel can dig a 3 by 3 area as long as the block is type of sand, dirt and grass.

- For the burning star crafting recipe (it is another artefact) you need to put in a smithing table a nether star and an infused block. It has no abilities but will be needed in the

- Crafting recipe of the burning sword. For it you have to put an/a amethyst, infused or netherite sword with the burning star. When attacking an entity it has a 1% percent chance to give the effect wither for 3 seconds and gives 22 of attack damage and 3 of attack speed.

Hope that you are going to enjoy our mod, it did take a little bit of time and took a lot of thought but it was very fun to make.

PS: If you guys wants new things or notices bugs in the mod let me know by commentating.
       You can use my mod in youtube videos or such, but I just want credit and if possible to send me the link on my e-mail: [email protected].

       Thanks you. 

made with MCREATOR