Ancient Gateways

Ancient Gateways


Ancient Gateways

A mod about linking distant points across space and dimensions for Fabric

The main feature are gateways, multiblock teleporters that form a network across all dimensions. Any gateway on the network can link to any other, no matter the distance or dimension(s), provided that it is supplied with glyphs (either by hand or by machine) that match up with the ones on the target's structure.


Gateway structural requirements are fairly flexible. Any 7x7 or larger design that has the core and glyphs in the right places, and a 5x5 square or fat cross hole for the portal will work, regardless of structural material.

As of 1.1.0, gateways now form circular sub-networks within the larger network, where a gateway with no target will default to the next youngest on its sub-network, or the oldest if it's the youngest, and are capable of working underwater/under liquids in general. Connections from gateways outside a given sub-network will always link up with the oldest gateway on that sub-network, but younger gateways on a sub-network are still fully capable of forming two-way links with gateways outside their sub-network.

Yes, gateways work even in lava, as long as the materials their structure is made from can survive extended exposure.

Neither OpenlyFay nor any of her associates are responsible for any "funny pranks" involving gateways and lava. She does, however, find them hilarious, and would appreciate any particularly juicy tales of treachery.


More features coming soon™.


Thanks to Shartte/Gimpansor for letting me use their cross-dimensional teleport code
Thanks to Hansjörg Malthaner for their portal animation

Bottle of Chorus Ink texture taken from Lacrimis, used under MIT License


Q: Forge?

A: Not planning a Forge port myself, but if you know Java and want to try doing it yourself there's nothing stopping you.

Q: Why don't your textures fit well with Minecraft's vanilla style?
A: I'm a programmer, not a pixel artist, so every texture is either programmer art or an asset from somewhere else used under license. By the way, if you're volunteering to redo all my textures that'd be fantastic thanks.

Q: What else are you planning to add?
A: At this point it's more or less done. At one point I was trying to add highly customisable pocket dimensions but that was taking months and they weren't turning out how I wanted them to, so they ended up on the cutting room floor.