


Clouds (and water) look poorly textured and blocky/smeared with Angelica Complimentary Unbound, and not Optifine.

rabidmurr opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Your GTNH Discord Username

Jief Thug

Your Pack Version


Your Server

SP and local server both

Java Version

Java 21

Type of Server

Single Player

Your Expectation

I downloaded Complimentary Unbound Shaders (I normally use Sildur's Vibrant) because that was what was suggested for Angelica as far as I saw. I expected it to run normally, and look like it would if I had Optifine. Attached is an image of what the clouds and water look like with Optifine Complimentary Unbound on my single player world (Still in 2.7.0). The texture pack (Sphax 64x) has nothing to do with the problem, I checked several combinations and solutions, including updating with graphics drivers and changing Nvidia settings. Changing to Optifine from Angelica was the only thing that made the shaders return to normal.
Optifine Clouds and Water

The Reality

On both my locally run server (wiki instructions, works fine) and my single player world that has been running for a
while, Angelica makes the clouds of both Sildur's and Complimentary look almost smeared across the screen, and the water looks bizarrely blocky. The leaves of trees also don't sway at all when Angelica is used instead of Optifine. The single player world is run through Technic Launcher, and the local server is run through Prism Launcher, with entirely separate files for each. The problem is identical on each. Attached is a screenshot of what it looked like with Angelica on my local server, just because it was easier than rebooting the single player world with Angelica swapped back in, as until this is fixed I will continue to use Optifine on that world. This is with no other changes (other than texture pack, but that isn't the problem) and still on 2.7.0. As I said, I'm sure it is Angelica causing this, as with or without the resource pack I use (Sphax 64x) the problem persists until I switch to Optifine.
Angelica Clouds and Water

Your Proposal

I don't know anything about coding, updating my BIOS makes me feel like a hacker, so all I can say is please fix this bug with Angelica so I can enjoy my pretty shaders with nice high frame rates when you can, although I know this isn't exactly a top button issue.

Final Checklist

  • I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying the bug still exists will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
  • I can reproduce this problem consistently by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.
  • I have asked other people and they confirm they also have this problem by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.

I've just tested BSL on the same worlds, and BSL seems to work fine, so it seems to only affect Sildur's and Complimentary Unbound for me. Haven't tested others than these 3.


I've just tested BSL on the same worlds, and BSL seems to work fine, so it seems to only affect Sildur's and Complimentary Unbound for me. Haven't tested others than these 3.

The main page of the github points out that Sildurs shaders probably won't work yet, so Sildurs having bugs makes sense right now.

Additionally, that screenshot for complementary doesnt look like unbound - it looks like a complementary 4.x iteration (unbound is only 5.0 and above). Try the latest version instead. I realize that the latest version says that it doesnt have 1.7.10 support, but do it anyway (by downloading the version for 1.16.5 or above) - it runs better right now than the 4.x versions that says it supports 1.7.10 - this is because Angelica is based on a more modern codebase for shaders, so it's aimed more at the modern shader versions.