


Improper Biome Blending with Grass Blocks

Switchamafuck opened this issue ยท 4 comments


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Bug Report

Grass blocks do not biome blend on their sides, but only on their tops, causing a color mismatch.

Java Version

Java 17

Graphics Card Vendor




MCPF or other features disabled by default

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Mod List or GTNH Pack Version

[โœ”] [1.7.10]MoVillages-1.4.2
[๐Ÿ–ฟ] 1.7 (folder)
[โœ”] AbyssalCraft-1.7.10-
[โœ”] ActuallyAdditions-1.7.10-r21
[โœ”] AdvancedBackups-forge-1.7.10-3.6.4
[โœ”] ae2fc-1.3.50-gtnh
[โœ”] ae2stuff-0.8.5-GTNH
[โœ”] akashictome-1.1.9
[โœ”] alreadydecoratingfix-1.0a
[โœ”] angelica-1.0.0-beta27
[โœ”] AOBD-2.9.2
[โœ”] AOBDOC-1.0.5
[โœ”] AppleCore-3.3.4
[โœ”] appliedenergistics2-rv3-beta-478-GTNH
[โœ”] archaicfix-0.7.4
[โœ”] ASMFixes-1.0
[โœ”] autooredictconv-1.7.10-1.3.1
[โœ”] BadMobs-1.0.1-1.7.10
[โœ”] battlegear2-1.4.1
[โœ”] BaublesExpanded-2.1.4
[โœ”] bdlib-
[โœ”] BetterAchievements-0.3.0
[โœ”] BetterBuildersWands-0.12.0-GTNH
[โœ”] BetterBurning-1.7.10-0.4.2
[โœ”] bettercrashes-1.4.0-GTNH
[โœ”] BetterFoliage-MC1.7.10-2.0.17
[โœ”] betterp2p-1.3.0
[โœ”] BetterPing-1.7.10-1.0
[โœ”] BetterPlacement-MC1.7.10-1.0.0-1
[โœ”] biggerpacketsplz-upto1.7.10-1.2
[โœ”] BiomesOPlenty-1.7.10-
[โœ”] blockrenderer6343-1.2.16
[โœ”] Bookshelf-1.7.10-
[โœ”] Born in a Barn 1.7.x
[โœ”] bugtorch-1.2.14-GTNH
[โœ”] CarbonConfig-1.7.10-1.2.4
[โœ”] Careful Cast Corrector-2.0
[โœ”] ChestTransporter-1.7.10-2.0.6
[โœ”] chisel-2.15.2-GTNH
[โœ”] Chunk-Pregenerator-1.7.10-4.4.9
[โœ”] CleanView-1.7.10-v2
[โœ”] ClimateControl-0.9.3-GTNH
[โœ”] CodeChickenCore-1.3.10
[โœ”] CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.1.4-329
[โœ”] controlling-2.1.2
[โœ”] CoreTweaks-1.7.10-
[โœ”] CosmeticArmorReworked-1.7.10-v7
[โœ”] craftingtweaks-mc1.7.10-1.0.88
[โœ”] CraftTweaker-1.7.10-3.1.0-legacy
[โœ”] DimensionalDoors-2.2.6-1.7.10
[โœ”] Ding-MC1.7.10v2
[โœ”] DisenchanterMod-[1.7.10]1.6
[โœ”] DWA_a1
[โœ”] Dynamic.Lights-1.3.9abugfix2024
[โœ”] EasyConfigButton-1.0
[โœ”] EasyLAN-v1.5-[1.7.10]
[โœ”] enderbatteries-MC1.7.10-0.1-5
[โœ”] endercore-0.4.6
[โœ”] endercrop-1.7.10-1.2
[โœ”] EnderIO-2.8.22
[โœ”] EnderStorage-1.6.4
[โœ”] EnderTanks-rev16-beta1
[โœ”] etfuturum-2.6.2
[โœ”] EvilCraft-1.7.10-0.9.13
[โœ”] ExtraFixes-1.7.10-1.2.4b
[โœ”] ExtraTiC-1.7.10-1.4.6
[โœ”] extrautilities-1.2.12
[โœ”] falsepatternlib-mc1.7.10-1.5.5
[โœ”] Farseek-1.7.10-2.0.1
[โœ”] fgtXray-1.7.10-1.0.8
[โœ”] FlatBedrock-1.0.2
[โœ”] FloodLights-1.4.1
[โœ”] FoamFix-1.7.10-universal-1.0.4
[โœ”] forgelin-1.10.0-GTNH
[โœ”] GraveStone Mod
[โœ”] greggen-mc1.7.10-0.0.3
[โœ”] gtnhlib-0.5.22
[โœ”] HardcoreDarkness-MC1.7.10-1.7
[โœ”] HardcoreEnderExpansion-1.12.0-GTNH
[โœ”] hodgepodge-2.5.84
[โœ”] iChunUtil-4.2.3
[โœ”] IguanaTweaksTConstruct-2.5.0
[โœ”] InGameInfoXML-2.8.13
[โœ”] inventorytweaks-1.7.0
[โœ”] IronBackpacks-1.7.10-1.2.20
[โœ”] IronChest-6.0.87
[โœ”] ItemBlacklist-1.7.10-
[โœ”] IvToolkit-1.2.1
[โœ”] JAOPCA-1.7.10-W.0.6.27
[โœ”] JustEnoughCalculation-1.7.10-4.2
[โœ”] kleeslabs-mc1.7.10-1.2.9
[โœ”] laggoggles-mc1.7.10-4.16.1
[โœ”] Login_Shield-1.7.10-2-gf6e21a7
[โœ”] LumySkinPatch-1.0.13
[โœ”] LunatriusCore-1.2.1-GTNH
[โœ”] lwjgl3ify-2.1.5
[โœ”] malisisdoors-1.17.4-GTNH
[โœ”] Mantle-0.4.2
[โœ”] MCA-1.7.10-5.2.2-universal
[โœ”] mdecore-1.0
[โœ”] Mekanism-Community-Edition-1.7.10-9.10.42-Core
[โœ”] MobDismemberment-4.0.0
[โœ”] mobsinfo-0.4.7-GTNH
[โœ”] ModTweaker2-0.9.6
[โœ”] MoneyMod 1.7.10 1.0.0
[โœ”] MouseTweaks-2.4.18-GTNH
[โœ”] Natura-2.7.5
[โœ”] netherportalfix-mc1.7.10-1.1.0
[โœ”] NotEnoughEnergistics-1.6.4
[โœ”] notenoughIDs-2.1.6
[โœ”] NotEnoughItems-2.6.52-GTNH
[โœ”] NotEnoughKeys-1.7.10-3.0.0b45-dev-universal
[โœ”] NotEnoughResources-1.7.10-0.1.0-128
[โœ”] OpenBlocks-1.10.2-GTNH
[โœ”] OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-1.8.6-b0b022a-universal
[๐Ÿ–ฟ] opendisks (folder)
[โœ”] OpenDisks-MC1.7.10-
[โœ”] OpenGlasses-1.0.46
[โœ”] OpenLights-MC1.7.10-OC1.4-
[โœ”] OpenModsLibs-0.10.9
[๐Ÿ–ฟ] OpenSecurity (folder)
[โœ”] OpenSecurity-1.7.10-1.0-117
[โœ”] OpenSensors-MC1.7.10-1.0-5
[โœ”] OreExcavation-1.1.134
[โœ”] OreTweaker-1.0.2-1.7.10
[โœ”] overloadedarmorbar-1.1.0
[โœ”] p455w0rdslib-1.0.5
[โœ”] Pam's HarvestCraft 1.7.10Lb
[โœ”] Pam's Temperate Plants 1.7.2b
[โœ”] primitivemobs-1.0c-1.7.10
[โœ”] Psychedelicraft-1.5.2
[โœ”] RadixCore-1.7.10-2.1.3-universal
[โœ”] RandomThings-2.5.3
[โœ”] ReAuth-1.7.10-Forge-4.0.7
[โœ”] RebornCore-
[โœ”] RecurrentComplex-
[โœ”] RTG-1.1.3-GTNH
[โœ”] ServerUtilities-2.0.85
[โœ”] ShetiPhianCore-1.7.10-3.0.0
[โœ”] sit-1.7.10-v1.1
[โœ”] Snad-1.7.10-
[โœ”] SpecialAI-1.2.0
[โœ”] SpecialMobs-3.6.2
[โœ”] squidless-1.7.10-0.6.1
[โœ”] Streams-1.7.10-0.3.4
[โœ”] structurelib-1.3.6
[โœ”] tabfaces-0.0.17-mc1.7.10
[โœ”] TConstruct-1.12.16-GTNH
[โœ”] thermalcasting-0.0.3
[โœ”] ThermalDynamics-[1.7.10]1.2.1-172
[โœ”] ThermalExpansion-[1.7.10]4.1.5-248
[โœ”] ThermalFoundation-[1.7.10]1.2.6-118
[โœ”] ThermalSmeltery-Redux-v1.1
[โœ”] TiCTooltips-1.3.1
[โœ”] tinker_io-1.7.10-release 1.5.0
[โœ”] TipTheScales-1.7.10-
[โœ”] tumbleweed-1.7.10-0.2
[โœ”] UniDict-1.7.10-2.9.2
[โœ”] -unimixins-all-1.7.10-0.1.19
[โœ”] Waila-1.8.2
[โœ”] WailaHarvestability-mc1.7.10-1.1.6
[โœ”] WAILAPlugins-0.6.0
[โœ”] waterhooks-1.2.1
[โœ”] Wawla-1.3.0-GTNH
[โœ”] Waystones-mc1.7.10-1.0.12
[โœ”] WirelessCraftingTerminal-1.11.7
[โœ”] worldedit-forge-mc1.7.10-6.1.1-SNAPSHOT-dist
[โœ”] Xaeros_Minimap_21.10.43_Forge_1.7.10
[โœ”] XaerosWorldMap_1.14.1.33_Forge_1.7.10

2024-12-18_16 34 39

Final Checklist

  • I have searched the issues and haven't found a similar issue.
  • I have read the known incompatibilities and this is not related to one of those.
  • I am running an officially released version. (Or, if I've compiled it myself I plan to fix the issue)

this is a vanilla thing iirc. its the difference between the three quality settings, first one blends nothing, second one only top, third one top and sides

youre right im retarded


though iirc the check whether its a side is literally whether the texture name is "grass_side", which means it could break for custom textures/other grass blocks


this is a vanilla thing iirc. its the difference between the three quality settings, first one blends nothing, second one only top, third one top and sides


this could be loamy dirt from biome or plenty at that biome