


draw distance reduced by angelica by 2 chunks

Kozzy123 opened this issue · 3 comments


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Your Pack Version


Your Server


Java Version

Java 21

Type of Server

Open To LAN

Your Expectation

I have default fresh GTNH install 2.7.2. server on separate PC and 2 clients. Server draw distance is default 8. Client is default 12.
Actual draw distance with client setting 12 and server setting 8 used to be 9 chunks (this is expected and correct) but is only 7 in new GTNH 2.7.x.
Tested on older GTNH 2.5.1 works as expected 9
Tested on 2.7.2 with disabled angelica works as expected 9
All is tested by entering chunk from distance to prevent false measurement.

The Reality

on 2.7.2 actual draft distance is 7 only Chunks and should be 9. We noticed that draw distance is too short on new GTNH version.
Removing angelica from client makes draw distance work same as on older GTNH versions . (I don't need to change any server settings)

To compensate for this bug I have to add +2 draw distance to server setting or not use Angelica mod. Its unnecessary waste of resources on server. I believe this happens to any 7.2.x install if you try to reproduce it and take time to count draw distance. using map and some pillars.

Your Proposal

Its bug having to set server distance to +2 chunks to get same draw distance just to compensate for some client side mod issue. This worked properly with Fast craft. Maybe getting it back ?

Final Checklist

  • I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying the bug still exists will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
  • I can reproduce this problem consistently by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.
  • I have asked other people and they confirm they also have this problem by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.

just want to add that this makes angelica mod actually decrease performance of servers as you need +2 draw distance in server side for same client visibility as without this mod.


so this was caused by an embeddium chunk optimisation backport in Angelica by embeddedt which was noted that this would happen from the optimisation, fwiw I also don’t like this


A side effect is that chunks at the edge of render distance will be invisible (as they are missing neighbors in older MC versions).

from @embeddedt