Animania Extra Animals

Animania Extra Animals


[Suggestion] Oredictionary support for the config file (food)

Tschipp opened this issue ยท 2 comments


From @Lordician on October 29, 2017 21:33

It would be useful if the config file had Oredictionary support for food items (for the stuff the animals eat).
This would make this mod a lot more compatible for future mods that have similar items that you already support.
I can already name one food item for the animals that is currently not supported but would be supported if it was using the oredictionary for a similar item:
Natura's barley, you already have Harvestcraft's barley on the list, but not Natura.
These cases would easily be solved by use of the oredictionary for ore:cropBarley (IIRC).

Copied from original issue: capnkirok/animania#407


From @capnkirok on October 31, 2017 7:39

Ok, what your suggesting is that you can put the oreDictionary version into food config areas instead of the foods from individual mods. Would certainly save some time.


From @Lordician on November 2, 2017 12:31

Yes, that is exactly what i mean.
It would save time and make the mod more compatible with some mods out of the box as well (if the config files were changed to reflect this addition).