Animania Extra Animals

Animania Extra Animals


Animania Mod

Hello and welcome to the Animania Mod git!

If you would like to learn more about the mod, check out the Wiki:

To Download the latest compiled code, visit CurseForge:

To join our Discord, visit the following:

To use Animania-Base in your projects, include this in your build.gradle:

repositories {
	maven {
		url ""

dependencies {
	deobfCompile "com.animania:animania-MCVERSION-base:MODVERSION" 

To use Animania Addons in your projects, additionally include this dependency:

deobfCompile "com.animania:animania-MCVERSION-ADDONNAME:MODVERSION" 

Make sure to replace MCVERSION and MODVERSION with the appropriate versions, and ADDONNAME with the name of the Addon you want to use.