Unusual lag with stuck mobs
Tschipp opened this issue ยท 8 comments
From @claw4oo on August 30, 2018 8:54
Expected Behavior
Actual Behavior
Animals that are stuck in water pools, naturally generated or not, cannot expect and lag quite a bit, using tickprofiler to find the problem
Steps to Reproduce
Throw an animal, like a chicken, cow, sheep, or goat into a naturally generated pool that cannot be escaped without building out. Keep the chunk loaded for a while, and run a tick profiler to confirm it's the animal.
Moving the animal outside of the stuck area seems to fix the problem.
Unsure of how to reliable reproduce quickly.
Version of Minecraft, version of Animania, Single Player or Server
Minecraft 1.12.2
Screenshots encouraged
Copied from original issue: capnkirok/animania#637
From @capnkirok on August 30, 2018 9:7
Thanks for the report. I thought I had addressed this, but will take another look.
From @Deshiba on August 30, 2018 13:10
Last I saw anything about this the problem was that animals walked into water pools with 2 high walls with natural gen. The solution then was to have their AI prevent going down in the hole on their own.
If they are forced in however, the original issue will still be the same.
From @claw4oo on August 30, 2018 22:17
Several versions back, I had this problem with chickens getting stuck in very odd places, sometimes I couldn't even find the chicken despite having the coordinates. Most of the chickens were around the spawn chunk.
I fixed this problem temporarily by bringing down natural chicken spawns, and killing all already existing chickens in the map.
From @claw4oo on August 31, 2018 4:4
Got a new picture confirming this.
This is with the problem fixed.
It appears as the problem is happening once more to the server, where filled over water pools, filled with animania mobs causes a drop in performance, however it's harder to notice now that my server is starting to fill up those pools and culling the animals more often.
It also appears some nearby animals stuck ontop of ice seem to be eating up a bit of the performance as well sometimes. About 4-5 animals are ontop of hte ice on the second screenshot, checked it by the chunk.
I found this specific buried pool, by checking the chunk and how much performance it is demanding with the TickProfiler mod.
Checked it using the "/profile e" several times to confirm its this chunk.
A quick possible solution might be to kill mobs that have been bouncing ontop of water for a long period of time.
As a side note, there used to be a seasons mod that changed water to ice, and eventually melts it away over time.
It appears that overall though, Animania seems to demand a lot of the server's performance to keep going, maybe add an option to use a version that checks for updates far less, or be dependent on player radius/mob density.
Sorry for the late find.
Minecraft 1.12.2
Serverside issue