Animania Extra Animals

Animania Extra Animals


Suggestion: Add Gelding (Misc suggestions: sterile charcoals and ox carting/riding)

ElsaTheHobo opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Version of Minecraft, version of Animania, Single Player or Server

1.12.2-1.6.2 Singleplayer

Add gelding (castration) to the game. The use of a new tool would castrate a male (not peacocks or roosters) and prevent them from making babies. Would be useful to stop breeding without config or separation. Totally understandable if this is too 'adult' for the mod.

Words for castrated animals:
Bull: Steer
Horse: Gelding
Pig: Barrow (When Baby), Stag (When Adult)
Goat and Sheep: Wether
Rabbit: Lapin
Ferret: Gib (Normal Castration), Hoblet (Vasectomy) (Typically males are given a vasectomy because a female ferret in heat can die without "male relief", they still act like boys but are sterile)
Other animals (in this mod) either can't be castrated because they lack male external anatomy, or its uncommon enough that there's no term for it.

Misc Suggestions:
irl charcoal peafowl are a wreck genetically, they have half the average lifespan, and the hens are infertile and don't lay. While animania animals don't have lifespans, it would be neat if the charcoal peahens don't lay.
Allow cattle to pull carts and wear saddles. It's very common for oxen (working cattle) to do pulling work that would be a bit too heavy for horses (though saddle cattle are very uncommon, it can be done too!) I don't care if you choose to allow cattle to wear horse armor, equip chests, or neither. They tend to be a little slower, a little clumsier, but a lot stronger.

Thank you all for the hard work! Awesome mod!