Animania Extra Animals

Animania Extra Animals


[Feature Request] Options to actually replace vanilla animals instead of removing them

MauveCloud opened this issue · 9 comments


Checking in Animania 1.4.7, the options "replaceVanillaChickens", "replaceVanillaCows", etc. say in their descriptions that they actually remove the mentioned animals. However, there are a few situations, such as Millenaire farms (see ), where it would be helpful to have them be replaced instead. Could we please get this added, either as separate options, or as more advanced options than pure booleans?


Well, there are two variables that control this:

replaceVanillaCows under GameRules actually removes them (hence the text). I would rename the variables, but then it would throw modpacks etc. off. May do it anyway.

spawnAnimaniaCows under Spawn actually puts the Animania cows in the world.

I used to replace the animals, but this one of the root causes of Over Spawning Armageddon... MC keeps trying to meet the minimum quota of MC animals on so keeps spawning them... which then get replaced etc, and the quote is never met...


Really? I thought since most of your animals extend the classes of vanilla animals they'd still count towards the passive-mob quota.


I thought they would too, but the results say otherwise. I needed to implement my own spawn limit system to keep things under control.


The problem is, that if Millenaire spawns a EntityCow, and those are replaced with animania, it won’t spawn a EntityAnimaniaCow, even though that one extends EntityCow.


Maybe it needs to be implemented on Millenaire's side, so that it can check if Animania is installed, and if so, use a separate method that spawns Animania animals in the farms.


Last I looked, what Millenaire did to spawn vanilla animals seemed rather convoluted, so I was hoping it would be simpler to handle things with Animania options. I'll take another look.

Edit: I think I see a way I can do this, though I'll need to test it. First, are there names I can pass to EntityList.createEntityByIDFromName to get random (possibly biome-appropriate), or at least somewhat generic, Animania variants of pig, cow, chicken, and sheep?


@capnkirok I'm willing to set up a Merge Request for Millenaire to handle it on that side, but I could use a little help. See edit to previous comment.


Okay, I figured this out on my own and set up a Merge Request for Millenaire, so I'm closing this now.


Thank you for the follow-up. I have been super busy in my new job lately, finally starting to catch up.