Animania Extra Animals

Animania Extra Animals


Animania animals block right click functions on tools

DoomRater opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Expected Behavior

Right clicking on Animania cows and bulls with Runic Shears should be able to produce Fey Leather. Same with horses.

Actual Behavior

Cows and bulls ignore the attempt, and horses neigh angrily as if you are trying to mount them with something or offer them something they do not want. It seems they are overriding the right click behavior of any tools.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add Animania Animals to Runic Shears recipes via CraftTweaker. My file:
  2. equip Runic Shears
  3. spawn a cow, bull, or horse of any gender
    3 right click on the animal with Runic Shears

Version of Minecraft, version of Animania, Single Player or Server

Animania 1.7.2
Roots 3.0.17


This is not on our end.


You were saying?


You were saying?

What? That is completely unrelated to the issue. That is a gui component that is used for the Manual.
However, I looked into our code again and saw this:

else if (stack != ItemStack.EMPTY && (this instanceof EntityCowMooshroom || this instanceof EntityBullMooshroom) && stack.getItem() instanceof ItemShears && this.getGrowingAge() >= 0) // onSheared

Yet, that statement is only called when right clicking mooshrooms with shears, so I don't think it relates to your issue.
That means, it's calling this line:
return GenericBehavior.interactCommon(this, entityplayer, hand, this.entityAIEatGrass) ? true : super.processInteract(player, hand);

Which will return false for GenericBehavior.interactCommon, thus calling super.processInteract().
The rest is handled by vanilla cows. I assume that roots is calling an event to check for shears, which must be EntityInteract I suppose. The only EntityInteract event that we have is here:
public void onPlayerRightClickEntity(PlayerInteractEvent.EntityInteract event)
and shears are mentioned nowhere, nor do we cancel it or something.
I really don't think this is on our end.


Actually I do need to apologize. I sorted out the issue and it was indeed with the config options of Roots. Roots dev is adding something to clarify what went wrong if someone were to try writing the config the way I did.