Animania Extra Animals

Animania Extra Animals


Opal Peahen Has Taupe Peahen Texture

RaliaTheWolf opened this issue · 5 comments


Expected Behavior
Purple peahens have the purple peahen texture

Actual Behavior
Purple peahens have the taupe peahen texture

Steps to Reproduce
Spawn a purple peahen

Version of Minecraft, version of Animania, Single Player or Server
MC version 1.12.2; Animania version 1.4.7; Singleplayer


Okay so I just realized that there are two Animania GitHubs? This one called animaniamod and the other one just called animania... For future reference, which one should I post things to? I didn’t even realize that I clicked on this one until after I made the report... XD


This one is the correct one now :)


Hmmm... I think your description is wrong. You say the Opal is Taupe, but then description mentions purple.

However, when I look at them in game, they are all different, though Opal is similar to Taupe. That's a Taupe on the left and an Opal on the right.

2018-04-18_22 40 20


Ah okay! I’ll post here from now on then!

Oh I might have thought they were the same... Hold on let me spawn some really quick ^^;


Oh that’s embarrassing... I guess I thought the Opal was a bit more colorful... XD Sorry bout that!