Animania Extra Animals

Animania Extra Animals


Crafttweaker oddity

Opened this issue ยท 1 comments


MC: 1.12.3
Forge: 2673
Crafttweaker: 4.1.8
Animania: 1.4.8

This works:
recipes.addShapeless(<minecraft:wool:0>, [<animania:wool:1>, <ore:dyeWhite>]);
But this does not:
recipes.addShapeless(<minecraft:wool:0>, [<animania:wool:*>, <ore:dyeWhite>]);
Not sure if this is on your end or Crafttweakers' (using the wildcard on other ingredients does work, so I am suspecting the wool)


Ok, this is fixed in the next version. It had to do with the way subblocks were registered. Also prevented Minecraft default search from working.