Animania Extra Animals

Animania Extra Animals


[FEATURE REQUEST] Thaumcraft aspects on content from this mod

Sunconure11 opened this issue · 7 comments


Now that Thauimcraft is on 1.12.2, would it be possible to add aspects onto content from this mod into it?


yes pls, i had to put vainilla mobs againg to advance in tc6 and i hate them... i want only animalia but tc6 aspects arent there


Theres an api for adding aspects. If either of you is somewhat code savvy you could do the leg work and make a pull request


Why not ping the contributors of this mod? @capnkirok @Tschipp

Granted, I'm capable of it, but I'm involved in quite a few projects.


Yeah I’m sure we can do that


The bigger problem with advancing in TC6 is getting triple meat treat. The souped up drops from Animania don't produce the necessary nuggets in the Infernal Furnace. I went ahead and added them myself but it'd be nice to see that added officially too.

I'd do aspects too but holy god 150+ entities to add aspects for by hand. It was painful enough adding them to the Roots Pacifist list and I had to finally write an AutoHotKey shortcut to automate the process or I would have been doing it for half an hour.


This is still on the TO-DO list, just like JourneyMap integration... we just haven't had the time...


Last night I sat down and decided to try and hammer in as many aspects as I could, and here's what I added via CraftTweaker:

Unfortunately, I guess Thaumic Additions wants more information than just aspects for its entity spawner because even adding aspects doesn't make it possible to capture them with entity cells. Also I appear to have added the aspects in reverse order.