Animania Extra Animals

Animania Extra Animals


[Bug] Animals Sometimes Do Not Eat from Troughs and Starve to Death

Doublehelix13 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Expected Behavior

Animals eat food and drink water from troughs when they are hungry and thirsty. If you set up troughs for food and water and keep them full, you should not have to worry about your animals starving to death when animal starvation is enabled or your pregnant animals losing their babies when they are hungry and thirsty if that is enabled.

Actual Behavior

Animals usually eat and drink before they start taking damage from starvation (which kills them in seconds - they seem to take damage every tick rather than every 400 ticks like it says in the config). Sometimes, though, they just won't eat or drink from troughs. If animal starvation is enabled, they sometimes die of starvation while standing right next to troughs full of food and water.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Enable animal starvation in the config.
  2. Set up a pen with plenty of troughs full of food and water. Do not have other sources of food and water.
  3. Place animals in the pen and wait, observing them using TOP to see if they are hungry or thirsty. If the config option that requires animals to be interacted with in order for them to eat, breed, etc. is enabled, interact with each of them once.

Animals typically do not eat as soon as they are hungry or drink as soon as they are thirsty. They may stand around being hungry or thirsty for a while even when they are right next to troughs with food and water. Sometimes, they wait so long to eat or drink that they die of starvation.

Version of Minecraft, version of Animania, Single Player or Server

Minecraft 1.12.2
Single Player

Screenshots encouraged

Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 8 55 23 AM