


Hotkey Description
Press [Y] in the game to bind the creature you want to record. Press [Ctrl+Y] to set the parameter to the player himself

After binding the creature, press [U] in the game to record the animation (GIF format) of the creature. When recording, you can press [U] again to end the recording in advance and save it.

For version 1.0.0: Aim at the creature in the game and press [Y] to record the animation of the creature. When recording, you can press [Y] again to end the recording in advance and save it.

There is a button "AnR Settings" in the options, enter this interface to set custom parameters and preview them on the left. The buttons on the right are all operations on the configuration.

Commands and Configurations
Command: /recorder


  • loadConfig: Read the configuration file from AnimationRecorder\ in the game directory (see configuration file parameters for details).
  • saveConfig: Save the configuration file to AnimationRecorder\
  • maxFrames [integer]: Set the number of frames for recording animations. The default is 120 (if it is set to 120 frames, the duration is 6 seconds, and the default is 20fps).
  • scale [Floating point number (decimal)]: Set the model scaling size. Defaults to 1.0.
  • gifSize [Integer]: Set the length and width of the recorded animation. Default is 128.
  • trans [0 or 1]: Whether the background is transparent, 0 is opaque, 1 is transparent. Defaults to 1.
  • multiThreads [0 or 1]: Whether to enable multi-threaded export, if not, it will cause the game process to block until the export is completed after recording the animation. Defaults to 1.
  • itemDelta [integer x] [integer y]: Set the displacement of the model in the two-dimensional coordinate system. The default is 0.
  • rotate [integer x] [integer y] [integer z]: Set the rotation angle of the 3D model. The default is -22.5, -45, 22.5, respectively. (New in 1.1.0)
  • reset: Reset the parameter to the default value.

Configuration file parameters (corresponding to the above command):
gifSize, itemDeltaX, itemDeltaY, maxFrames, multiThreads, trans, scale

Note: The length and width of the animation should preferably be less than or equal to the minimum length and width of the screen.