Anvil Format

Anvil Format


Anvil Format

Includes all colours and formats using the & prefix and is Vanilla client friendly for Fabric servers

This mod was intended to be used for singleplayer, if used in multiplayer there is a chance the mod will not work. That being said, if the server has the mod installed, everyone can use colour formatting in the anvil without the mod.

Server has the mod = Everyone can use the mod, users do not need the mod if the server has it

Client has the mod = Will work in singleplayer, not guaranteed to work in multiplayer

Can I use this in my modpack?



The latest file should work fine, nothing was changed within Minecraft's code that this mod changes so I didn't need to update the code for the mod. Until Minecraft changes how Anvils work, this should, in theory, work on all future versions, but please do tell me via GitHub or just a comment on here if there are issues and what the log says, thanks.


Hi-ImKyle - anvilformat build

For a more direct contact to ask a question or get help, add me on Discord: KingFisher#0001