Apocalypse: Countdown

Apocalypse: Countdown


Start an apocalypse in your world with Apocalypse: Countdown. This mod adds 3 highly customizable apocalypse events that you can start to make your modpack or world more dangerous and exciting.


Use the command to start an apocalypse. You can integrate the command with quests or game stages to start the event dynamically. 

/apocalypse start [TYPE] [DURATION] [TIME FORMAT]

Example: /apocalypse start solar_apocalypse 30 SECONDS

You can also use the clear command to reset or end an unwanted apocalypse.

/apocalypse clear

Once you start the event, a timer will appear on each player's screen that looks like the image below. Once the timer reaches zero, your apocalypse will begin! The timer location is configurable.

Apocalypse Types

Solar Apocalypse

Stage 0 (Initial Apocalypse)
- Infinite water sources are no longer available

Stage 1
When exposed to the Sun...
- Farmland dries up
- Ice and snow melt

Stage 2
When exposed to the Sun...
- Plants like leaves, sugar cane, and bamboo dry up
- Crops crumble under the heat
- Grass blocks dry up and turn into dirt

Stage 3
- All living creatures burn when in the Sun
- Water starts to evaporate when exposed to the Sun
- Water is vaporized when placed in the Sun

Each phase duration can be configured in the mod config. 

A village tarnished by the Solar Apocalypse

Wither Storm


Upon starting this apocalypse, a wither storm will spawn at the specified location in your world. By default, it is 0, 100, 0 but this can be configured. The wither storm will begin to rampage and destroy everything in its path...

Meteor Shower

This apocalypse rains meteors endlessly down on your world. Players will have to be cautious of their surroundings as meteors drop from the sky. The meteor spawn chance can be configured in the mod config.


This mod was made with performance in mind. Some attributes of the apocalypse events are constrained to not heavily impact server/game performance. For example, solar apocalypse effects only occur in loaded chunks. Meteors also fall with minimal particles and only near players.

More Apocalypse Types Coming Soon!

If you have suggestions on how this mod can be improved or want to report bugs, please use the GitHub issue tracker or report them on my Discord below.