Oversized Interface's fluid storage capacity can be abused to store fluids in the network
MageInBlack opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I've checked the oversized interface recently and found out that it can stock up to INT_MAX of millibuckets per slot. It is around 2 million buckets and can be compared to 256k fluid cell with 1 type of fluid. Having 36 slots oversized interface can replace 36 256k fluid cells. it also twice as big for types than a regular fluid cell (18 types).
It is when you put a storage bus onto an oversized interface with fluid in it. Making something like interface autostocking from ae2 guide but not crafting and just holding.
I assumed by x16 times per slot meant i could store about 64 buckets of any fluid per slot. But this insane capacity actually makes them beyond unbalanced to have such fluid storage for so cheap.
Apparently you can overstock it so it accepts even more fluid
Update 3: It seems the oversize_interface_multiplier config doesn't apply well for fluids
Update 5: After looking at the code it must throw around this part and then return MAX_LONG that's why it can store up to MAX_LONG in a single slot