- 1
[CRASH] Kubejs:LavaCell Infinity Cell Crash
#322 opened by SirTwsted - 1
[Suggestion] Allow transfer of patterns into Assemlber Matrix
#323 opened by cryptiklemur - 1
[Suggestion] Blacklist or separately configure multiplier for certain key types in Oversize Interface
#320 opened by Luexa - 1
Pattern Modifier not functioning
#321 opened by Leonehart - 0
[Suggestion] Add a flat ME Wireless Connector
#324 opened by MegaBleeder - 0
ME Tag Export Bus - Overflow Input and Output slots.
#325 opened by PantACRO4life - 1
[Bug] ME Threshold Level Emitter 在重新进入存档后状态会被重置
#326 opened by IceMush - 2
ME Ingredient Buffer compatibility with AppliedFlux mod
#327 opened by rhullah - 5
just want to ask some question
#328 opened by KimYo2 - 4
Resource Pack incompatibility with Assembler Matrix Wall
#334 opened by Barerock - 3
[Bug] Trying to open the AE2 Guide crashes the game somehow
#329 opened by LuziferSenpai - 0
non-recoverable error
#330 opened by PohBoyPt - 1
Flat Flux Accessor Stops Supplying Energy to Machines Intermittently
#331 opened by Volpamonhub - 1
Backport Extended Molecular Assembler to 1.19.2
#332 opened by JustRomanBZK - 1
Tag Export Bus not exporting all ores with matching tag
#333 opened by Superbrain8 - 1
[Suggestion] Add maximum size setting for assembler matrix in 1.20.1
#340 opened by satsuki099 - 3
Neoforge 21.1.115 - Crash on Startup with Newer *Applied Energistics 2 19.2.0-beta*
#335 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 3
[Suggestion] Add a wireless magnet status indicator on screen.
#336 opened by mdedmon - 2
Update Glodium on Modrinth
#337 opened by Casmin7 - 0
Fabric 1.20.1 Server crash when paired with Spectrum Fusion shrine
#338 opened by Gamerbolts - 1
#339 opened by 9agj - 1
tag export bus not working with any tag
#345 opened by Eternal1992 - 0
#346 opened by gjmhmm8 - 2
[Render thread/ERROR] appeng/client/guidebook/color/ColorValue
#341 opened by YoSiJo - 1
Unsupported pattern: FramedBlocks
#342 opened by Octelly - 1
#343 opened by gjmhmm8 - 0
Pattern Modifer – Fluid replacement
#344 opened by effleurager - 2
[Enhancement] Add Import/Export Bus support to the Induction Card
#355 opened by rhullah - 2
[Feat][Applied Flux] 通量访问点是否可以添加缓存
#347 opened by Gn3po4g - 0
[AppliedFlux/ExtendedAE] 1.20.1 Backport Feature Request
#348 opened by merfed - 1
#349 opened by gjmhmm8 - 1
Memory Card does not copy/paste circuit slicer's and crystal assembler's output side config
#350 opened by ASUT0R0 - 4
[Suggestion]: Increase the max input limit for Flux Accessors. It's capped at int max.
#351 opened by Kazuhiko-Gushiken - 1
Applied flux and GregTechCEu
#352 opened by gri3229 - 1
#353 opened by gjmhmm8 - 0
[Enhancement] ME Flux Analyzer
#354 opened by rhullah - 3
crash on startup server
#356 opened by saQult - 0
Iris parsing block error for extendedae:crystal_fixer
#368 opened by Sultia - 1
#369 opened by gjmhmm8 - 3
[Applied Flux][Suggestion] 添加便携 FE 元件和 Mega Cells 的支持
#358 opened by DewateredWeeds - 1
无法在neoforge 1.21.1 的最新版ae2运行
#359 opened by Frostbite-time - 3
#361 opened by LittleCircleOO - 0
The naming issue of Budding Entroized Fluix
#360 opened by Rain-Flying - 0
Mek Energy Cube does not want to craft from Extended Molecular Assembler
#363 opened by ShiroETsuki - 1
[Enhancement] Add a way to change the Allow Substitution/Fluid Substitution options from the Pattern Modifier
#364 opened by HiddenAbilitree - 1
[Suggestion] Alter precise storage bus behaviour.
#367 opened by Kevin-Marsh - 1
Not working with Mekanism 1.21.1 Neoforge 21.1.128
#366 opened by mudgw2 - 2
Circuit Slicer stops working randomly on big autocraft
#370 opened by orionSquared - 1
Lighting engine optimization compatibility issues
#371 opened by linjiayang2016 - 1
ME封装胶带无法正常封装extended ae2的部分设备
#372 opened by gjmhmm8