Applied Flux

Applied Flux


Lighting engine optimization compatibility issues

linjiayang2016 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The Graphical User Interface for the 'expatternprovider:wireless_connect' block contains a button that highlights compatible wireless connections. However, this highlighting feature conflicts with certain lighting optimization mods like Starlight, causing game crashes when players access the interface.

Is there any planned development in ExtendedAE to improve compatibility with these types of engine modifications?We'd greatly appreciate any insight you can share on this issue - fantastic work so far on the mod's ongoing development, and wishing you a pleasant day!

API: 1.20.1 Forge 47.3.33
Extended AE: 1.20-1.1.11-forge
Starlight: 1.1.2+1.20
Applied Energistics 2: 15.3.3
