Applied Flux

Applied Flux


[Suggestion]: Increase the max input limit for Flux Accessors. It's capped at int max.

Kazuhiko-Gushiken opened this issue ยท 4 comments


What the title says. I hope this is the right repo, cause it doesn't say Applied Flux, but the Applied Flux page brought me here.


I was using the Flux Transformer from Extended Industrialization which I know 100% does convert/output far above int max. It auto-outputs into the flux accessor into an AE2 system with the Digital Singularity Flux Cell from BiggerAE. I placed a throughout storage monitor on the system to track it. Do you believe it may be a limit on the cell or maybe just the fact that the throughput monitor is getting capped. I can test again to try to input more than 2.5 billion fe/t to see if I notice a larger difference in storage increase in the actual terminal, to rule out the Flux Cell and the Accessor and pin blame on the throughput monitor.


it can input or output energy over int max if the target allows to transfer energy over int max.


appflux accepts EU directly, you don't need to convert it into FE


The flux is transformer is a configurable block to multiply the FE output when EU is inputted. In this case, 1EU equals 25 FE, and this conversion is only one way.