Extended AE Inscriber Losing Resources
DreadFulEye opened this issue ยท 1 comments
So.... This is werid as fuck..
Basically the extended inscriber From " Extended AE " when crafted 2 stacks of Processors It produces LESS than a amount given when not connected to AE
First Test:
Crafted two stacks of logic processing Which require
- 2 stacks of Redstone
- 2 stacks of printed silicon
- 2 stacks of printed logic circuit
Without Connected to AE
Made 1 stack and 26 logic processor with 38 Redstone / 30 printed logic circuits
2nd test
Crafted two stacks of logic processing Which require
- 2 stacks of Redstone
- 2 stacks of printed silicon
- 2 stacks of printed logic circuit
Connected to AE
Made 2 full stacks of Logic Circuits
Video Proof
If the Links dont work Please Message me on Discord at @DreadFulEye
So.. turns out this is fine, but Sophisticated Storage by P3pp3rF1y Hopper upgrade insert into this block is what causing the void of these resources
I summited a bug report to them as well about this issue. As you and me are aware. its a Interaction issue going on with Extended AE and Sophisticated Storage