Applied Flux

Applied Flux


[Suggestion] Add a Advanced Memory Card

LuziferSenpai opened this issue ยท 2 comments



another idea from me.

This Card would be a Memory Card, where you could save connections with a name and then apply them.
Similiar to the one from GregTech New Horizons.
(Picture from


Doesnt need to be that fancy, would be enough to store connections.


i am the author who make that mod for nh, so i have to tell you that it is very hard to port this stuff to modern version.
i plan to make it an independent mod, but it is a future plan and won't be worked on in recent


technically related but would likely be a secondary feature on this item, (tho it might be easier to implement than the connnection saving idea above) could you add an advanced memory card that functions with the extended pattern providers (and or the assembler matrix multiblock) from this mod? the vanilla one is a little limiting, would be great to be able to copy more than 9 patterns at a time