Is extendedae causing me performance issues?
funnycubeguy opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Not many export buses I checked with everyone on the server. maybe like 50 total
ok, i see. i will optimize it in next update, but extended ae stuff only takes 1.27% in your profile so it isn't the main issue here
not sure if this is much help but I replaced all extended ae items with regular ae items and the lag is gone. we went from around 15tps to 20tps which is good now no issue
all extendedae for some reason the drives had a big impact but i dont see them on the profiler
https://spark.lucko.me/jaAWTKxhMn this is the profile link for that screen shot
extended drives reuse the ae's code so it shares ae's id in the profile. currently i have no idea about why it is laggy.
the export bus lag is fixed in latest https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ex-pattern-provider/files/5130025