Aqua Acrobatics [Forge]

Aqua Acrobatics [Forge]


Rendering issue with ArtemisLib and Crawling Anim

EdoEquin0x opened this issue ยท 1 comments

  • Install ArtemisLib and AquaAcro and turn on the ArtemisLib Integration
  • Use a mod such as GulliverReloaded
  • Crawl in front of another player with a size scaling of 1 (normal size) or less, this happen:

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2024-04-08_12 28 23

  • Set the size scaling of the crawling player to at least 1.2
  • Crawl again, it's working:
    2024-04-08_12 28 36

So basically it seems that if the player is of a size scaling smaller than 1.2, the crawling animation render is not working properly.


Some other screens, I think the issue is coming from

GlStateManager.translate(evt.getX() / widthAttribute - evt.getX(), evt.getY() / heightAttribute - evt.getY(), evt.getZ() / widthAttribute - evt.getZ());

located in the onEntityRenderPre method in the AttachAttributesFix class

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2024-04-28_20 03 39