![Aqua Acrobatics [Forge]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/776/226/256/256/638118140112428573.png)
- 3
Aqua Acrobatics lowers view as if I was 1 block tall.
#131 opened by KnightCa - 1
AquaAcrobatics not compatible with latest Essentials Mod Update
#132 opened by BeetleeJuiicee - 0
Feature request: dynamic stealth integration
#133 opened by Sneglium - 1
Biomes O Plenty's Bayou underwater fog color is very odd.
#101 opened by MagmaBro123 - 1
[Question] Any plans to backport at least the swimming mechanic back to 1.7.10?
#103 opened by Desempregago - 1
Exploit/bug with Inventory Pets mod
#102 opened by ElLiox - 1
Like #101, BoP's Dead Swamp also has no set water fog color.
#104 opened by MagmaBro123 - 0
Rooty Water texture is missing when using the latest version of Dynamic Trees
#105 opened by juraj-hrivnak - 2
Player is unusually bouyant
#106 opened by brisingraerowing - 13
Crash (client) 1.12.2
#107 opened by SeagalKru - 0
Random crashes with mods modifier `EntityPlayerSP`
#134 opened by mczph - 1
Incompatibility with Tick Central (Library mod for Lag Goggles)
#109 opened by Delfite - 1
[Enhancement] Port to 1.8.9
#112 opened by HowardZHY - 2
[BUG] Crawl bug with More Player Models
#113 opened by HowardZHY - 2
[CRASH} Falling with Elytra looking straight up. (Video Attached)
#114 opened by marvinspower1 - 1
Shift+Rightclick interactions in flight are broken
#115 opened by SteaSteaStea - 1
Tropicraft overrides crouch height
#116 opened by Invadermonky - 1
Conflict with ProjectE in spectator mode
#117 opened by xJon - 2
Screen shaking when lunging with Tinker's Construct Longsword
#118 opened by notmucht0it - 1
Broken integration with Witchery:Resurrected
#119 opened by NaCa1814 - 0
Hand bobbing doesn't work for the most part
#120 opened by embeddedt - 1
Grey water texture with optifine G5 custom colors
#122 opened by domovishche - 2
Standing inside door and closing it in "EXACT" mode causes strange movement
#123 opened by Handeril - 2
Swimming animation staying vertical
#124 opened by CrimzonXI - 4
Removing color from water
#125 opened by DanielMCP25 - 0
Mo' Bends breaks swimming animation
#126 opened by CrimzonXI - 4
Crash with thermal expansion after creating a world for 10-ish seconds
#127 opened by Xplodin - 6
Startup Crash with LittleTiles 1.5.76 (1.12.2)
#128 opened by brisingraerowing - 3
Bug with Complementary shaders
#129 opened by XvaleX10 - 0
New Projectile Behavior incompatible with Hexxit World's Boomerang
#130 opened by xJon - 1
Conflict with Mirror from MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
#135 opened by xJon - 1
Rendering issue with ArtemisLib and Crawling Anim
#137 opened by EdoEquin0x - 2
Startup Crash with 1.15.4
#136 opened by brisingraerowing - 3
Obsidian Helmet Render Memory Leak
#138 opened by calhliber - 4
Camera won't adjust when Swimming/Crawling
#140 opened by VoidWarOfficial - 1
Crash with Censoredasm
#141 opened by iiDogez - 2
Mangrove trees root texture issue (Dynamic trees BOP)
#139 opened by samasiassa - 2
Is it compatible with Modularwars-shining?
#142 opened by fzrdwa123456 - 0
Swimming animation is not compatible with the Amphibious Suit in The Betweenlands
#143 opened by SaltOvOFish - 0
Incompatible with SpartanWeaponry-1.12.2-1.5.3
#144 opened by PaulerLeOne - 0
Are you compatible with Real First Person 2?
#145 opened by fzrdwa123456 - 0
Game crashed
#146 opened by vinnyg0621 - 1
Incompatible with Squake
#147 opened by somebush - 0
Smooth eye level changes with Portal Gun
#148 opened by xJon - 1
MultiServer Issues
#149 opened by myte926 - 1
MultiServer Issues (myte926)
#150 opened by exlgx - 0
Bubble Column creation causes crash. Logging into the world where the magma block/soul sand was placed, no bubble column exists.
#151 opened by MagmaBro123 - 2
a problem with moving on the water, not swimming
#152 opened by exlgx - 1
Using Better HUD and ShinColle simultaneously can cause crashes.
#153 opened by MKxingsheng - 0
Littletiles diagonal tile incompatibility
#154 opened by G1ll0u