Aqua Acrobatics [Forge]

Aqua Acrobatics [Forge]


Swimming animation is not compatible with the Amphibious Suit in The Betweenlands

SaltOvOFish opened this issue ยท 0 comments


2024-05-14_20 48 42
Because wearing the Amphibious Suit itself has the ability to move freely in the water like swimming, it still uses the upright walking animation. After installing Aqua Acrobatics at the same time, when swimming in the water, the player will use the normal swimming animation, but the armor on the player still uses the original upright walking animation.
Is it possible to use the Aqua Acrobatics swimming animation normally after wearing the Amphibious Suit, or conversely, only when wearing the Amphibious Suit, the Aqua Acrobatics swimming animation will not be used? As long as the animations of the two can be synchronized, it will be fine.