Aqua Acrobatics [Forge]

Aqua Acrobatics [Forge]


Better Diving Compat

mxnmnm opened this issue ยท 1 comments


So Better Diving adds in a similar mechanic to this mod, but it also adds in other things like mobs and such. When I disable their diving mechanic with this mod installed, it causes the hitboxes not to get changed when swimming.

2021-02-03_16 30 59

Enabling their diving mechanic makes the player automatically float and makes the hitbox extra weird. It also makes moving on land practically impossible and super glitchy.

2021-02-03_16 31 50
2021-02-03_16 31 28

Having a way to where this mod overrides all of their diving mechanics would be nice extra compatibility.


Apparently better diving had the ability to turn off their changes to player models in their configs soooo yea lol