This is a fork of the original Arcane World made by Lemonszz and the original mod can be found here!
This fork aims to fix a few of the bugs from this mod and even maybe update it to newer versions of minecraft and even fabric!
Currently the fixes and changes are listed below:
- Update Forge Version
- Update ForgeGradle Version
- Fixed a crash when you drop an arcane scroll or some mods interact with it. The scroll failed to check if some client code was running on the client so when it tried to run on the server it crashed.
If you find any bugs DM me on discord at EvanGamer2020#7927 or leave a comment below!
I have permission to update the mod and post it here
I am going to copy paste some stuff from the original description so you dont have to go over there to see what the mod is about
Arcane World is a medium sized magic mod adding some arcane arts to your Minecraft game.
This mod is currently in BETA. While it should be fairly stable, I'd suggest waiting for the full release.
Rituals are cast using a ritual table. Rituals can do various things, from changing the weather to teleporting you to strange dimensions.
Note: It's recommended to install JEI to view the ritual recipes.
Dungeon raids are are unique feature allowing you and your friends to explore a unique dungeon.
Dungeons do not generate within the physical world and you must cast the dungeon raid rituals to reach them.
Once you leave the dungeon, there is no way to return.
Arcane World adds various items
Biome Crystals allow you to relocate biomes.
The Arcane Hoe lets you hoe large amounts of land at once.
The Glowing Chorus Fruit will transfer it's eater to the end.
The Wand of Evocation lets you weild the power of the Evoker.
The Recaller lets you teleport back to a previously saved location within the same dimension.
and more!