Some dungeon raid requests
katubug opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Hello! I and a couple of folks in one of my discord were discussing the dungeon raid aspect of this mod. A few different things kept coming up, so I thought I'd bring them to you!
The ability to build custom dungeons, presumably via nbt, was a hot topic. It's not something I personally would use, but at least two people said they would absolutely use a function like that.
The ability to place and break blocks in the dungeon raids. Specifically, it is not currently possible to place torches. This is particularly an issue for some of the participants, due to using mods like Hardcore Darkness and/or Grue. It also makes it much harder to tell where you've been in the maze, which is a little too hardcore for my personal tastes.
And the ability to break blocks would be helpful in terms of reaching those troll chests, and also to pick up any blocks that one might have accidentally set down (like torches or dirt). I presume their unbreakability is intended to keep people from escaping the dungeon, but perhaps a layer of barrier blocks could be placed outside the stone bricks? Or make only the stone bricks unbreakable?
Anyway, thank you very much for your time! I love this mod, and was excited to share it with other people. :)